Ingredients and Equipment


Koji-Kin (Koji spores), 10g Vision Brewing.
Can be purchased from The Homebrew Shop, price £11.34                             
 A comprehensive guide to making Koji rice is found here.

As koji spores age they loose their dark green colour and turn almost white.  The Vision Brewing spores are not as fresh as those used by commercial sake breweries.

Tane-Koji (Koji Kin spores), available from Akita Konno.                            
 This is Tane Koji grains, koji mould that has been allowed to spore, then dried to enable the spores to be released.  Used by commercial sake breweries, these spores are fresh and dark green.


Building an Incubator

To construct an incubator I used a polystyrene box used for transporting hot and cold food, which does not contain any CFCs.

Items you will need:

The Microclimate controller will maintain the temperature between 33.8°C and 38°C.
It used a temperature sensor, which I keep on the bottom of the incubator to control temperature outside the rice bundle.  The heat mat plugs in to an extension socket that forms part of the controller.

The Ministat 100 can take heating devices 100 watts or lower.

This can be purchased from Pets at Home for £27.00

Prorep Reptile Heat Mat.
This heat mat is safe to use and will maintain the desired temperature in the incubator.  As in the picture above you need to place the mat on one side of the incubator and place a ceramic or glass container on top of it, so that the heat will warm the containers and evaporate some of the water to keep humidity at 95-99%.

This can be purchased from Pets at Home for £16.00

Digital Aquarium Thermometer with Waterproof  Tank Probe and Audible Alarm.

This thermometer displays current temperature and can be used in or out of water.  It also records the maximum and minimum temperature readings and has an alarm function which I set to go off if temperature drops to 34°C or increases to 41°C.

Purchased off eBay for £8.50

Digital Hygrometer with Thermometer.

The hygrometer is used to measure humidity in the incubator which should be between 95 - 99% during the first 24 hours and under 95% thereafter.  

Temperature measurement range: -50°C to + 70°C 
Temperature display resolution: 0.1°C  
Humidity measurement range: 10% -99% 
1.5 metre probe lead 
Purchased from eBay for £2.99

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